So here is a secret project I have been working on at ARA ACADEMY with owner and head instructor Wes Derequito. This was Brian Sandaga’s First Amateur fight which yours truly helped train him for. If your wondering how this fits into my art practice, the answer is mental toughness, you got be mentally strong to get punched in the head and keep going, just as you have to be mentally strong and committed to keep creating art in times of difficulty. If you have never watched this type of match before when Brian is on the bottom he is working on submission, and escapes. He took some really hard shots and kept moving the whole time. he was also fighting a fighter from the Firas Zahabi camp, one of the trainers of George Saint Pierre, THE ULTIMATE FIGHTING CHAMP. So the odds where against and in away we came out on top as Brian held himself like a champion, and we celebrated like we won the world series after, no drinking just good feelings. This was one of the best days of my life and if you look close you can even see me. The fight will be televised at a later date on The Fight NETWork. Keep creating and keep up the good fight.



~ by Richard Rossetto on January 26, 2011.

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