Publish or Perish: Keep it Simple Silly

In my previous Publish or Perish articles I discussed the importance of online publishing in an artist’s or any professional’s practice. I also discussed ways of utilizing those published works in order to progress in one’s chosen profession. Today I will be discussing ways to make publishing online easier. Publishing does not have to be strenuous and in truth with today’s technology it can be remarkably easy. With the advent of the personal computer, word processing software, and the internet many challenges that faced writers of the past are now nonexistent. Editing, researching and documenting information has become extremely easy. Also there are now many places where one can easily publish their ideas to the public. Here are some pretty simple ideas to help you publish on line easier.
To begin with let’s look at ways to make the process of writing easier. I would say the most important thing in the process of writing would be to write about what you love and write about what you know. This will always allow you to be stimulated creatively and with the desire to create. That doesn’t mean to limit what you write about, just always write it from a perspective you know and understand. As a matter of fact you will start to know and understand more as you will have a natural desire to learn more about the ideas and theories you write about. Write in simple language. The easier your words are written the easier they are read and the easier they are for people to share, which in turn makes your ideas shared with a greater percentage of the population

An idea I came across recently was the simple concept of separating creative writing days. Before this I was spending hours a day writing and publishing works from day to day. There was also a constant switching of mental gears, right brain (creativity, writing), Left Brain (Editing and uploading articles). If you allow your brain to concentrate on the act of writing first you allow a certain amount of flow, which can allow for you mind to slip between conscious and subconscious thoughts which then allows for some great ideas and insights. At the end if a writing session start your next idea. For example, if as I am finishing this essay most likely I have already an idea of my next essay started. Why not jot out the intro to my next work. This can create momentum in two ways. Not only is there a possibility that you will continue writing after the first paragraph. Another benefit is the next time you sit down you will have the beginning of an idea. After a while you may even have a library of beginning ideas giving you the possibility of hundreds of articles every time you sit to write. There by allowing you more creativity. For example let’s say today I want to write creatively I can easily put this article aside and write more abstract thoughts based on other “brain storms” This process will also increase your writing stamina. Write First, Edit after, and then publish. Then Review the published article multiple times in case you missed something. Lastly do not wait until you think the work is perfect, publish it as is and then make the adjustments mistakes can be fixed, not publishing a work because you are affraid you made mistakes can not.
Other Publish or Perish articles:
Publishing for Newbies
Power Writing
Winning Friends:
Taking it Professionally
Using What’s In Front of YOU

~ by Richard Rossetto on February 18, 2011.

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