My Imaginary Art Collection : ManWoman

I have been having a lot of trouble sleeping as of late; I have been stressed about bills, my purpose as an artist, as a human and father. I had gone to bed early because I was distraught and in desperate need of the solace of sleep. So when I awoke last night I thought it was more of the same, another sleepless night agitated by worry with out relief because of the odd hours, paralyzed by the fact I had matters of consequence to deal with in only a few hours. I wrestled with my conscious mind as I tried to fall back asleep, tossing and turning; I tried every relaxation technique known to man to no avail. Something was a miss, I got up to make sure my daughter was okay, when I saw she was fine I returned to my room and that is when I saw him. He did not need to introduce himself as I recognized him; he stood there in his top hat and spectacle leaning on his cane not saying a word. I thought this can’t be! Why is he here? It can’t be my time? I have just started on this earthly journey. A chill went up my spine as he motioned me towards the open closet, I could now see a bright light and what looked like a tunnel. I heard my name being called from a distant place, it was a voice I knew, and trusted. The voice comforted me as though to say everything was as it should be and that I would be alright, even if that meant giving up my worldly affairs. I stepped into the closet and hesitated I thought about my daughter would she be okay? The voice called again soothing my worry. Mr. Death stepped in beside me closed the door behind him. Rather than being immersed by darkness the space was illuminated by the path with which we were to take. As there was no way back I followed Mr. Death’s lead into the light.

It seemed as though we walked along a golden bridge, the path forming it self with each step. As we stepped off the bridge we stepped into a lush valley continuing to follow the path which was now narrow and over grown with organic life. We came to a stream, which lead to a meadow. There seated was a man I recognized, a man whom I had admired and respected for years, he asked me to sit. Amongst an alter of bountiful earthly delights everything one could imagine was with in his grasp. Dressed only from the waist down in a bright yellow sarong and seated with his legs crossed, he smiled as I took my seat.

“I have asked you here today as I have had visions of your inner struggle” he said “I want you to look around, this is the Valley of Abundance and that is the Stream of Prosperity all your worldly desires are with in your grasp, just as they are within mine, close your eyes and reach for anything you desire and you shall see”

I closed my eyes and reached forward, I was parched from my long journey and dreamed of mangos, there was a sudden weight in my hand as I opened my eyes, I found the ripest juiciest fruit I could ever imagine. I ravenously devoured it sucking its juices and eating its meat. When I was finished my body and mind felt were rejuvenated.

“The beauty of this place” he continued “is you do not even have to eat allow this earths energy to fill you and make you whole.” He seemed to glow as these words were spoke.

“I need nothing as I have everything” He still sat in his throne of Abundance. “You need everything as you have nothing, yet you sit directly across from me. What is the difference?”

I started to tell him my story. He stopped me before I could start. “You seem to have forgotten the lessons of my life’s work.” He reached behind him producing Yoni Yum Yum handed it to me and said “Play This”

I said “I do not know how to play guitar”

“Neither do I” He stated as he then produced his Dragon Penis Guitar and hit a Power Cord. Magically The Largest Marshal Stacks ever known to man or god rose from the earth as the sound vibrated. Electric energy flowed through my fingers and suddenly shot out hitting note after note and Chord after chord. I was lost in the fury and frenzy of finger picking a guitar solo easily as great as any I had ever heard. ManWoman matched me note for and chord for chord. It was as if Dean Ween and Eddie Van Halen met on stage and had a friendly game of one up’s man ship and rocked into in to the cosmos. As our guitar frenzy continued slowly our soles were elevated and our bodies lifted into the heavens. Sweat poured out every inch of my body and as we reached our musical climax we exploded into oblivion and became one with the universe around.

When I returned to consciousness ManWoman again sat peacefully in front of me and said “I told you, you had everything and more, keep that as a gift” he said “A reminder for when times are troubled….”

And with that I awoke to the sound of an alarm. BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, I hit snooze hoping to catch a few more minutes sleep and return to my dream. The pitter patter of little feet told me it was to late as my daughter was already up. I heard her coming to my room.

She Stopped Short and Bellowed “DAD, DAD WHERE DID YOU GET THE COOL GUITAR?”

I shook my head in disbelief. I got up and went to the kitchen and there sat Yomi Yum Yum, ManWoman and Frank Gay’s originally designed guitar I stood in awe. Not only because the guitar sat there though also because of an abundance of fruits and vegetables that now lay in my kitchen.

I laughed as I picked up a Mango and said “A Friend gave to us to remind us everything would be alright”

This Fictitious work was created after an interview with the artists

~ by Richard Rossetto on February 20, 2011.

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