Lietter To John McCrank

Here is my latest piece of mail art. It was sent to long time friend and art collector John McCrank. This work was inspired by a letter writing campaign my daughter is presently engaged in at school. Looking at the notes and letters she has written to various friends and family members has made me feel really proud as I watch her MASTER the ART of written language. It has also allowed me to revisit an old Limiting belief of a learning disability I was labeled with before I had the chance to figure things out for myself. This label has effected me through out my entire adult life. Leaving me believe I was not smart enough or good enough for anything but low level jobs and poverty. Because of this belief it has also allowed people to discredit my efforts allowing them to condescend my accomplishments and intelligence. I thought at some point my accomplishments would speak for themselves, I guess NOW they have. As I know I have written articles and had insights that leave Masters Students wondering WTF where did that come from( no offense to my Masters friends you all know I can drop some pretty intelligent, mind altering banter when it all comes down though). The irony behind much of this is that I attribute much of the creation of AUTOMATIC WORD DRAWING to this “disability”, Google it you will see not much comes close, another ironic thing is that considering this is such a simple and play full work it moved more than most art I have created as of late. All pieces of this work have been thumb printed for authenticity. Another strange tie in is the link between artist’s letters and the fact I have chosen make a work of art based on the concept of a written letter or as we spell it in my house a lietter.
For more word drawings click here

~ by Richard Rossetto on February 28, 2011.

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