Publish or Perish: Stat Obsessed.


This is going to be a quick post as it is just a quick thought. One of the sure fire ways to destroy your momentum as a blogger and writer is to continually check your stats. Until you have built a following it may seem like your writing for nothing as fifteen people seeing your work can be a little disheartening. Here is a couple tricks to help you build your numbers I watched my mine quadruple following these steps in no perticular order.
First off as stated in previous Publish or Perish articles you gotta pick you audience, and write to them individually. Sporadic writings about all sorts of things confuse your reader and also leave them guessing as to what you are about. It also may mean they don’t come back. That does not mean you can not take a broad view of your category though.
As an example I write about art modern art, success in art, ideas for artist’s and interview….. you guessed it artists. I also publish my own art work here. From those basics I can branch into almost anything revolving around success, art, sales, what influences modern art, even writing about art. This leaves what I write about limitless, I can write about my week in the studio, the music I was listening to while I was creating, other artists that influence my work, business ideas I come up with about art, you name it I can write it. Anything I want to write as long as its art based. this gives me an audience as well as a chance for others to learn from and about my practice. I get lots of hits from talking about the art works of others.
Although lately I been a little stat obsessed which is why I wrote this post, another way I keep myself highly motivated to write is well….. going through periods where I don’t check my stats at all. Often I just hit  new post and write, edit, link, get in and out as quickly as possible. Sometimes I won’t check my stats for periods as long as three weeks. I know as long as I am continually writing good work and linking that numbers will be there. In truth for a long time I didn’t even know my stats as I was uploading all my works onto another site. When stopped writing for them and started publishing on mine I noticed a major difference (check the stats of 2011, 2012 those are the years I was proactively working on this 32000+hits no advertising). The benefits of having wrote for that other site were:  I took it more professionally as I had presumed I had a larger audience., thereby improving my writing. It also gave me gave me some serious cred while approaching professionals for things like interviews or credentials . The advantage when your writing on a “larger” form is you are aware others WILL be reading your work and good or bad they will criticize it. Naturally this makes you be more conscious of what and how you write. It also makes improve and check you research. There are all sorts of places like this out there,for you to join, for sure there is one that is suitable for you. I would even suggest writing for one of these for a while to get the swing of it. Then when you are comfortable with your “voice” and found your “audience” you can upload all your previous work. Which can double er even triple  your stats in one week. I uploaded seven ARTICLES(well written and thought out) in one day and that is exactly what happened to me and I haven’t looked back the proof is in the pudding

But what do I know I am just a REALLY GOOD LOOKING GUY with a couple missing teeth that STILL managed to get this bra off this lady….
handsime guy missing teethhere is another cool benifit from all this work

To see some of my other works
Publish or Perish
Creative Writing
Fun Stuff
My Work

~ by Richard Rossetto on March 2, 2011.

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