
Dear Red Fang,
Okay okay , I know I have taken this all way too far…. I am almost done bothering you….at least for now!!!! this is gonna seem pretty basic compared to the rest of the ideas I shared so far. Really all this is common sense. The idea behind these notes was to help yous and other INDEPENDENT ARTISTS RUTHLESSLY CUT THROUGH the competition when sharing your work online. These “tricks” aren’t just meant to help you lead the pack of up and comers, but also meant to help you slay your adversaries with mega-conglomeration backing. All these ideas are based on the idea of creating attention for your creative endeavors without it costing you a dime. Or at least making it so that when and if it does cost you, you get the most of it. As yous is musicians I have been concentrating mostly on ideas or musicians. These ideas can be easily molded for any creative endeavor.The reason it works so well for creative individuals is because your art is the “content”. If you have a following they are already “following” your “content”. In order to give your audience more, you just expand your “content” . You can do that anyway you want… we already talked about that. basically it comes down to giving your audience more insight into what you do.If you do it, we will love you for it.
It doesn’t have to be complicated and you can do the majority of it off from your smartphone. Instead of taking pictures of your cat lol why not take pictures of the crowd. Oh you already did that and every single person who tagged themselves in the picture LOVES YOU FOR IT. That expands perfect into blog content…err how bout a cool video from someone else’s smart phone from the crowd. All the stuff I don’t get if I am not on tour or have the chance to see your show…


Keep the writing simple, under five hundred words. as fer what to write about…. pick a specific audience and write to them. Share what you think they would enjoy. so now lets say your audience is a guy like me , who happens to be a guy like you with similar tastes and interests, which is most likely the case, cause I mean I am YOUR fan …. So when YOU MEET LEMMY BACK STAGE and think “hey that is pretty FKN COOL” SOO WOULD WE!!!!!!! NOW DO US THE FAVOR and ask LEMMY FOR a few minutes on camera. TRUST ME SELFIES WITH LEMMY R COOL, INDIAN LEG WRESTLING HIM is COOLER…er how bout a drum lesson with John Sherman? That is pretty cool…… you know what would be EVEN COOLER THOUGH??? how bout dueling guitarists between Scott Ian and Mr. Sullivan. NOW THAT IS SO COOL EVEN YOU THINK THAT”S COOL!!!! all of which I could never experience unless I was you… or in a super cool rock band which I am not!!!!! so whats the next best thing I can do? SUPPORT YOU.
sure it is a little extra work…. if your doing what you love anyway?????? There ARE FOUR of you…. and do you wanna know the best part???? the best part is….. it turns into a beast unto it’s own and who knows what direction it may lead…. hell it could be any letter writing or a part in a movie er how bout even REALITY TV?!?!?! NO how is that for a scary thought.
TATA FER NOW yer fan,
Richard Rossetto

~ by Richard Rossetto on April 16, 2014.

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