It is ALWAYS a very fine line between making ART for commodity and making ART for ART SAKE!!! I have always been very reserved when crossing the boarder. I believe in limiting waste , I believe that art inspires , I believe that I make art with a capital A! Those beliefs make me take my work VERY SERIOUSLY and how it should be represented even more serious.
Therefore I am OVERJOYED to release a few images now available on some SUPER GROOVY items. The works and products were chosen with CAREFUL CONSIDERATION by me picked only after I felt the works were represented well. I was delighted with the outcome of a few of these happy accidents . So there you go I hope you enjoy. More products will be added and some will be take away at some parts of the game to keep things interesting!
Stay Creative!!!!
Richard Rossetto
Society 6


~ by Richard Rossetto on November 6, 2018.

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