Holy Men & Other Earthly Delights 2020

Annotation 2020-02-27 020901

My child asked me the other day whether I regretted not raising her religious. Without a blink of an eye I replied “I DID”. She looked at me like I was lying. I said nothing else. A few day later I brought the subject up again and when she looked at me perplexed. I explained ART WAS RELIGION. Still in disbelief I pointed out that the creation of art was an active meditation. I felt no need to explain further as I knew that during my many years of practice I had reached a state of Nirvana or bliss many many times.
These states are when the soul hits a higher power and in the act of creation one steps out of themselves. Thereby producing something far beyond and greater then ones self. I have reached that state many many times. The tattoos, heavy metal and lifestyle tend to throw people off. I always believed it spoke for itself in the art. I never mentioned it because hell it would ruin my bad boy reputation and without a bad boy reputation how can one be a “punk rock artist type” I mean really who wants to listen to a an artist talk about god and stuff??? I sure dont, let the saints do that.
In truth the artist’s life is a lot more like that of a saints then a rock n roller. Most of my life has been spent in silent dedication on the meditation of the creation of art between the time alone conceiving and “saintly duties” of “fasting”, studying, and being discipline to a life of faith,as it takes more then a grain of mustard seed. You might as well live in a Monastery cause I sure aint been out to a club or a show in a long time.
Above is a portrait of my Guru Paramahansa Yogananda my brother introduced me to him into the early 2000s through his book “Autobiography of a Yogi Christ” His words resonated so deep within my soul I read his other works as well and created the work “Holy Man Help Us Understand What it Means To be our Brother Man” in 2003 at the beginning of the Afghanistan War. Not one of my finer work but a homage nonetheless. For those who wonder why I never brought it before?? Well,IT WAS NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS. Besides how is an artist to get laid if he is being all preachy in shit. yeah I just wrote that,I am allowed that is why I was blessed “The Tattooed Saint”. I do “bad” things for “good” reasons. It’s part of the artist’s lifestyle and ART IS MY DHARMA (call to action) in this lifetime regardless of what it may cost.
To appreciate this work you can do what brings you to the highest state of your being, enjoy one of these videos on meditation or pray to your God, whom ever that may be. Being nice to people helps a hell of a lot too!

To further understand social media as a form of art check out the discriptionin “Demons heART” the others are meant to be felt as a visceral experience

Here is another punk praying Perry Farrell and yeah we know you dont get this either

~ by Richard Rossetto on February 27, 2020.

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