First Rule Of Fight Club

Annotation 2020-02-28 115728

First Rule Of Fight Club
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So we all know the first rule of fight club is THERE IS NO FIGHT CLUB. Well I am here to tell you THERE is a fight club and we adhere to the first rule very very vigorously. I know that there are many who would believe my tough guy attitude is just an image and at first it was. At least until I started studying Senshido under Richard Dimitri in 2001.
Senshido is classified as a Reality Based Self Defense system. The idea being scenarios are acted out replicating real life situations one might find themselves on a day to day basis. Muggings,road rage, aggressive customer. Might sound like a bunch of men play fighting to some. Well I got the concussions to prove otherwise. I trained with a group of guys who showed up to kick some ass or get their asses kicked depending on mood. To clarify we we weren’t just a bunch of meatheads smashing each other. The basics of Senshido include situational awareness, deescalation of a violent confrontation, emotional inertia for coping with the flight or fight response and personal protection for women.
More advance training includes defense against multiple assailants, knife and weapon defense, stick fighting, and body guarding drills. Some will tell you its all bullshit, well they never had the guts to take into the streets. Hence the reason I find myself in therapy at the moment. Sometimes PTSD isnt abut being victimized, its about having the ability to do harm and learning to control it in circumstance that look very similar to other experiences
I started training in 2001 and was certified as an instructor in 2011. here are some of examples of what we might do.
Richard Dimitri is internationally recognized having worked with British Special Forces,Finland Counter Terrorist Agency, Law Enforcement Agencies and helped many many women through sexual assault prevention seminars and protection agencies
WARNING GRAPHIC LANGUAGE AND AGGRESSION MAYBE USED. please do not click all videos if somethings upset you

5 principles

Precontact clues

Emotional Response Drill

Knife defense

Multiple attackers

~ by Richard Rossetto on February 28, 2020.

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