Falling Down The Rabbit Hole

Annotation 2020-02-29 103142

We all know the term falling down the rabbit hole means delving ideas we find on the internet, exploring new territories or delving deeper into old ones. In the age of information it is incredible easy to become an “expert” on anything if one so desires. It is also incredibly easy to allow our monkey minds to get distracted and be unfocused. For a good and healthy life one needs a bit of both.
Over the past number of years I have been working on understanding how social media could become art. At first I just thought it was about the continuous feed of ideas we find and share on the internet. Then last week I started noticing the interesting compositions created from “juxtaposing” 2 different or related ideas from my profile and cover photos that created the images.In a way Facebook does all the work. I just cut and past images and videos I find. IS IT ART THOUGH??? I dont know, you see I have always been a traditionalist preferring pencil pens and paints . The success of Mr.BrainWash seems to say the industry thinks it is though.

The continuous serendipity of the images I am currently creating seems to say so . This little collage below was created from the previous images, and the change of my cover photo for my homage to Lemmy I noticed them while searching for an photo I shared sometime back. Some of them create pretty justifiable compositions which work with the concept of the series. Does that mean there is monetary value in it? Maybe,as it really doesn’t matter. There is such a thing as ART FOR ARTS SAKE,which is the idea of creating art simply for creating art and inspiring others

As for understanding the idea of Conceptual Art. ALL ART is conceptual. You gotta go WAY back into art history when the basis of art went from representing the world around us to the focus of how THE ARTIST saw the world and the IMPRESSIONS or EXPRESSIONS of the world in which they lived. That dates back to the beginning of the 1900s with artists such as VanGogh, Picasso and Matisse.

So if you ask me if this is art… IT DOESNT MATTER what I think. Ask yourself. The act of the creation in itself and the sharing of is pART of my life’s meditations. The judgement of it and how it effects the viewer is your part.

~ by Richard Rossetto on February 29, 2020.

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