And On the 6th day He Said…

Annotation 2020-02-29 181835

And On The 6th Day He said

There are those who will still tell you that listening to Heavy Metal will send you down the Highway Hell! From experience I can tell you different. For me it lead the to the path way of creativity and independent though. One of my earliest memories of childhood is my brother, sister and I commandeering my parents stereo for our own devices. In my mind there are 3 of us sitting on a thick carpet with a number of albums around us. The one that that stands out the most being Ac/Dc’s “Let There Be Rock”. Having been raised in the Roman Catholic church when their sermon begins, with high energy guitar a thunderous back beats, paraphrasing the good book .. I WAS LIKE HOLY FUCK!! And at about 8 years old I was hooked!

Of course at the time I knew what the critics said about heavy metal. You couldn’t escape it! It was all over the television. TWAS THE DEVILS MUSIC and WOULD STEAL YOUR SOUL!!! Sure the bands sure played image up, which didnt help. I was even sure some of them had sold their souls! I heard something different in most of the lyrics though. They mention the devil and hell and so on and so forth, I didnt think that was the case for most of it!

Although I couldn’t understand it at the time I understood that lots of what was being said was metaphor for a bigger message. It was youth culture criticizing the system’s hypocrisy. Sure some of it talked of the Beelzebub coming from the depths of hell and burning us all to a crisp. I heard it as a “warning”! For those who pretend to be good ppl, acting within societal norms yet whose actions proved they were bad. Things like judging another by the color of their skin or fucking the earth for profits without consideration of their brother brothers and sisters. Things I could see at that age but couldnt put into words.

A clear example was an “1982” interview when Vince Neil explains the album is called “Shout AT the Devil”, not “Shout WITH the Devil”. Another would be the lyrics to Lord of this World (linked so as you can readem yer self) Even the name BLACK SABBATH doesnt scream EVIL to me. I have always understood it as a foreboding occasion on a holy day. Even at 8 I understood that just because people the read the bible it doesn’t make them good people. It was one of the reason I walk away.

As fer the riding the Highway to Hell … I was pretty sure the lyrics meant doing what you want to do and living your life independently regardless of the judgement of others. As for me I wouldnt be the ARTIST OR MAN I AM if it weren’t for the IDEAS and IMAGERY Heavy Metal stimulated when I was a child! The Sex, Drugs and Rock n roll were pretty cool too as fer regrets they aint about my beliefs!
#ListenToTheLyrics #WhyIsThisArt

~ by Richard Rossetto on March 1, 2020.

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